Event Details

Event ID
Old Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Dark Jedi Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Primary reason

First, let me tell you that it is with a lot of pride, and gratitude that I recommend this promotion.

Phantom is my Apprentice, and I kept my eye on her ever since she has joined the Brotherhood. In fact, she is more than just Apprentice, she is a great friend as well. We get known eachother well, and this as well allowed me to keep track on her activity.

And she would even bend over backwards if it meant finishing what she started. Phantom has never refused to complete tasks I was assigning her, and whatÂ’s more, she always comes with her own ideas and suggestions.

Phanny is a loyal person, not only to the clan, but even to me, always smacking people with her hot damn, if they pick on her Mistress.

She has fully earned this with her work and commitment, deserved our respect and apprehension.

Wear your lightsaber proudly and use it wisely, Dark Jedi Knight Phantom. --Tissaya Argat

Phantom has been a valuable asset to Marka Ragnos since her joining. She has been active in many competitions, from the battle team level all the way up to the DB wide events, including a strong showing in the RoS. She has helped increase our clan's showing at many gaming days, and has been nothing if not a strong contributor to the clan.

It is with great pride and honor that I present Phantom with her lightsabre. Rise and be knighted, and may your blade strike terror into the hearts of our foes.

KAP Muz Ashen

Phantom, 2005-02-18 23:00:00 UTC