"Having endured a long and trying apprenticeship, in her final Trial, Des has been brought face to face with the Dark Side, and embraced it. Her work is exemplary, her skills grow in leaps and bounds, and she has become
an example to all of a truly beneficial DB member. Her Trials are over, her powers complete. She is a Dark Jedi Knight now, and none may stand before her. Congratulations, Dark Jedi Knight Desdemonea! - DA Jonaleth Isradia"
Trial consisted of a battle against her Master Jonaleth on IRC.
Other Reasons:
Exceptional display of responsibility and leadership in the running of her Phyle, as well as reconstruction of the Phyle's website, show of initiative
Participation in the KRoS in 3 events.
Participation in the VDAY comp, http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=732
~KP Mune Metsukai Isradia
Desdemonea, 2005-03-03 23:00:00 UTC