Event Details

Event ID
Nilani Bakash
Old Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Dark Jedi Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Nilani Bakash
Primary reason

Nilani has done a great deal of work over the past couple of months since coming back and becoming a Tetrarch once again. She led a Battleteam well, even if some of the members weren't responding. She often sent out emails to all her members and did her reports on time. She has always been keen to participate in all sorts of competitions. Her favorite events seem to be fiction and the ACC. She often participates in the Monthly Topics and ACC events.<br> Nilani shows a lot of initiative when it comes to tasks. She seems to enjoy getting busy and involved with things. I feel that Nilani always wants to do whatever she can to help the members of the Clan and the Brotherhood. <br><br>Since becoming Aedile of House Aleema she has shown good spirit. I recently requested information from all House Summit members and Nilani responded with a well presented report. Detailing what she has done so far since becoming AED. Nilani had emailed a few members to see if they were active since they had not made contact in some time. She also sends her report out to each and every member by email, without using the Mailing List, to ensure that every member will get a copy. It's not a required task for any leader of Clan Satal Keto to send out their weekly reports to individual email addresses instead of the Mailing List, however, Nilani chooses to release her reports through that method.<br><br> Nilani show's great respect and maturity, a quality much needed in a leader within the DB. Her spirit for competition and her leadership abilities are what make his young Dark Jedi ready to receive the next rank of power. Nilani Bakash is ready to hold the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, and to obtain her very own Lightsaber.

Nilani Bakash, 2005-03-14 23:00:00 UTC