Event Details

Event ID
Link Vortex
Old Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Dark Jedi Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Link Vortex
Primary reason

Link has been one of Marka Ragnos' finest members, a constant and welcome addition to our house. Between her bouts of insane humor and her friendly (if violent :P) demeanor, she is one of the bright shining points. It is with great pride and honor that I recommend her for the Knighthood. Hold your sabre high, Link, and in the name of Sadow.

--KAP Muz Ashen Keibatsu (Krath)/QUA/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow

For a while now, Link has been one of the most active members of Marka Ragnos. Her level of activity is consistently high- she enters a large number of competitions and is currently participating in the ACC Championship Ladder. Also, as a Tetrarch Link is consistent in her leadership- she has a report out every week, and tries her best to motivate her Phyle into participating in the competitions run by House summit, Clan summit and the DB as a whole. In conclusion, I believe Link has more than deserved this promotion, and it's time her good work was recognized. Congratulations on your new lightsabre, Link!

--KAP Nekura Manji Keibatsue(Krath)/AED/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow

I come before you today to recommend someone to knighthood. Even though she is no longer under my command, she still is my apprentice. She has done every task laid out before her, and more. She submitted to several events in the recent Krath Rite of Supremacy, and continually is active in other competitions.

Link Vortex, you have done everything that was asked of you for this. It is with great honor I elevate you to Dark Jedi Knight. Congratulations. May you continue to serve your clan with as much pride as you do now.

--OE Korras Aquillarum(Obelisk)/OHC/Dark Council

Link Vortex, 2005-03-15 23:00:00 UTC