Event Details

Event ID
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Old Rank
Krath Archpriest (Equite 2)
New Rank
Krath Epis (Equite 3)
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

I have seen his work with trying to keep his Clan busy. He has several threads on the forums to assist the membership and holds many events for the clan. I get the impression he has a genuine interest in the responsibilities that are before him, and he handles the matters with serious thought.

I have been more than impressed with his assistance to the Herald's office. The quality of work on custom lightsaber construction and his speedy turn-around are both a major factor in my high praise.

I feel he is more than deserving of an elevation over another medal. He works without expecting reward, which is quite uncommon.

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2005-03-25 23:00:00 UTC