For your outstanding activity, over the course of the last few weeks you have shown dedication to Tarentum, and the House of Tridens.
Youve completed several SA exams, and have been awarded a promotion and a dark Cross, now youve completed your Charater History, and have been getting involved with your fellow clanmates I look forward to having you in the clan and the house, I feel your more than worthy of this Promotion to Acolyte, your journey has just begun. The dedication, and spirit is well commended, and appreciated. I Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir look formawrd watching you go down the path to the Dark Side
Well earned, and enjoy Sivart, keep up the good work!
Krath Priest Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir Quaestor to the House of Tridens
Sivart Al-Sinjo, 2005-04-16 22:00:00 UTC