Event Details

Event ID
Anshar Kahn Tarentae
Old Rank
Krath Pontifex (Equite 4)
New Rank
Dark Side Adept (Elder 1)
Requested by
Anshar Kahn Tarentae
Primary reason

There aren't many people that are below the position of Consul that are ever even considered for the Rank of Dark Adept. It is a rank that is reserved for the best members, the most dedicated and innovated members, and to the members that have contributed time and time again to the well-being of the Brotherhood. Anshar and I have not wroked together for a very long time, but in the period that he has been serving as KCB, I have seen nothing but greatness. I love that he understands the importance of his job. Combined with Spears, Anshar has the biggest say over the success of the brotherhood through the retention of members. He has done his job with extrodinary professionalism, consistency and drive. I always look forward to his reports because they keep showing me one thing: the system that Anshar is running is working. His work with the Envoys is keeping members coming, getting them involved and keeping them involved. Anshar should be commended and thanked for his service.

Spears came to me some time ago asking to promote Anshar. Given the importance of DA, I asked to wait a couple months so I could work with him. Anshar has more thatn proved that he is worthy to join the ranks of the Elders. Spears was right: this member deserves this rank. Therefore, it is my pleasure today to elevate Anshar to the rank of Dark Adept.

Congratulations, and thanks. Lord Jac Cotelin

Ever since I've joined Gladius Anshar has striven to make me feel welcome not only did he immediately begin asking my opinions on matters and possible solutions he also allowed me some latitude to develop projects on my own. Anshar has always listened to my ideas and also from the emails that have been sent between us Frosty, our Rollmaster.

Another excellent trait Anshar has is the fact that he cares about all those under his command and he makes every effort to get to know them and make the DB a more relaxed environment to be in.

That's all I can think about at the moment I'm afraid but needless to say Anshar is a great guy and deserves this promotion.


Ever since Anshar took over as Gladius QUA the house has been stable. He has done a great job keeping things moving and fun. He's great with the new members, encouraging them to do things and get active. He has a level head when it comes to disputes between members. He is also very helpful when making big competition plans for the clan. He's good about making competitions for his house and listens when members have some ideas for future competitions. He is active in all competitions he can participate in and is a good resource for members who need help. Anshar is a prime example of what a leader should be.


In the short time I have known Anshar I have had the honor of working under him as AED while he was QUA of Gladius, and over him while he has served as my Praetor. Anshar excels at every position I have seen him. Within the last year I have seen him promoted from QUA, EP to Proconsul of Tarentum, Praetor to the Headmaster and Knight Commander of the Brotherhood. He does a better job in three positions then many do in one. He constantly strives to improve the Brotherhood, and works tirelessly to make sure his plans are put into motion. It is one thing to have ideas, but putting them in place and then making sure they work is a far more difficult task. But one in which Anshar has proven to be more then capable of. It has been a true Honor to have worked with Anshar over these past several months and he has proven to myself and others that he is truly ready to shed the robes of the Equites and don those of the Elders.

So on this day I formally ask that Anshar be promoted to the rank of Dark Side Adept, with all of the powers and responsibilities of such a rank.

By My Hand

His Excellency, Sith Warlord Spears Tarentae, Knight First Class Headmaster of the Shadow Academy Master Architect for the Brotherhood Thrice Marked of the Wanderer Baron Ale Pond: Keeper of the Estadian Expanse

Anshar Kahn Tarentae, 2005-05-12 22:00:00 UTC