Event Details

Event ID
Kat Pridemore
Old Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Dark Jedi Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Kat Pridemore
Primary reason

To His Majesty, Lord Darth Cotelin; His Excellency, Master Cantor; and His Excellency, Adept Khan,

Following numerous recommendations, in particular multiple recommendations from the joint membership of the Inner Circle for the Conclaves of both May 05 and April 05, the Clan Summit of Clan Naga Sadow hereby announce their approval of the completion of the Trials of Knighthood by Jedi Hunter Kat Pridemore of House Marka Ragnos of Clan Naga Sadow, Apprentice to Muz Ashen Keibatsu.

The following are a selection of the formal recommendations recieved:

Ever since she joined Marka Ragnos, Kat has been one of the most active members in the House, if not the most active. She participated admirably in the Krath RoS, has submitted to a ridiculously large number of competitions (achieving first in the February Fiction MT and second in the Poetry) and is generally a great, highly-active member. Her standard of writing is consistently excellent and she performs any tasks asked of her as quickly as she is able, to the very best of her ability. I believe it is past time that Kat was considered for promotion to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. Congratulations! - KAP Manji Nekura Keibatsu (Krath)/QUA/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow

Kat Pridemore dove into CNS and the KRoS headfirst, as has yet to come up for air. She has participated in nearly every competition that she has been able to, and been a very active personality in the clan communiques. The quality of her work is top notch, as is her work a Tetrarch of the Night Hawks, and even when faced with massive Jedi Knight Trials, she not only overcame them, but surpassed all expectations for them in both quality and size. As both her master and her Proconsul, I am very proud to present her with her sabre, declaring her an excellent addition to not only House, but also Order and the Brotherhood as a whole. Raise your sabre high, Kat Pridemore, and in the name of Sadow. - KE Muz Ashen Keibatsu (Krath)/PCON/Clan Naga Sadow

I have only ever had one assistant in the DB in all of the summit positions i've ever served in before Kat Pridemore. With a crazy work schedule I have been out of touch with the DB for several months, during which Kat has been keeping me updated and in touch with the rest of the summit. On top of that, she is incredibly active, a true joy to have in the clan. For that I made her my Black Guardswoman, a personal assistant and truly a high honor. However, Kat deserves more. On top of all that she successfully lead the operation to the frozen planet of Inos, and secured it for CNS. Kat has not been promoted in along time, and with her trials completed, she is truly ready to begin the quest for her saber. Kat deserves DJK.

  • OE Raistlin Sadow (Obelisk)/AED/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow

While these only account for her leaders and direct associates- Muz her Proconsul and Master, Manji her Quaestor and Raistlin her Patron within the Black Guard- the recommendations of her peers cannot be ignored. For the past two, and arguably three, monthly Conclaves her name has come up for promotion. The first time it was felt to be too early and now, the second time, she has practically done double, if not tripple, what most would be expected for their Trials.

Kat has completed personal Trials for pretty much every single member of the Clan Summit over the past few months. It is rare for me, as Consul, to be asked in person to issue a direct Trial but given the time period she has undergone far more than the ordinary Jedi Hunter. The quality of her work is astounding, as clearly shown in her frequent competition wins- both inside the Clan and out.

Her work as a Battleteam Leader cannot go unspoken. She is already proving herself as an excellent leader and one of the future leaders of the Clan. Her activity and leadership are an example of a dying breed. There is little doubt that she will make a future Aedile and perhaps even Quaestor when the time and the opertunities arise.

I am not easy when it comes to promotions. I come from the era when Dark Jedi Knight was the end of the line and the final product of a lifetime of work, when only the best of the best of Quaestors and Consuls got any higher. In many ways I'm extremely stubborn when it comes to promotions and medals. Not here. While it may seem early compared to old standards, Kat has achieved far more than the ordinary member would have been expected even in the old days. It is not with difficulty I come to present this recommendation, it is with gratitude for the service and contributions Kat has made to her Clan. She is truly an example of the best of what Clan Naga Sadow has to offer, it is just a shame we don't have more members like her.

A Tetrach, a Black Guard, an accomplished Apprentice. These are the marks of an exceptional member.

It is time Kat Pridemore recieve the right to display such status with pride befitting of her name. She has gone without a lightsaber for far too long.

Congratulations Knight Pridemore.

  • Consul Xanos Sadow & Inner Circle

Kat Pridemore, 2005-05-26 22:00:00 UTC