Event Details

Event ID
Prajna Berkana
Old Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Prajna Berkana
Primary reason

Completion of the Trial of Mirrors

Most recently Prajna has completed the tasks set before him by myself to acquire his next rank in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. The followings feats are worthy of elevation to Guardian: 4 Haikus (Fear, Anger, Power, Darkness), Family Tree (Must know one's past before they see the future), A greater, more in-depth introduction story for his background and he was a factor in our recent ICTE domination!

A side note about Prajna - This member was unfortunately kicked around from Master to Master - simply, it was enough to disgust me and I thought he would quit and leave. But when I took him as my own I was joyed to find a pupil who not only wants to be active, but improve himself as well! His recent work in the ACC is splendid and I hope we can improve his writing skills so that he may dominate the ACC one day!

I hereby proclaim this individual ready for a move to the next rank of Guardian, so that he may be assigned the tasks of greater power ~ Braecen Isradia

Prajna Berkana, 2005-06-20 22:00:00 UTC