Event Details

Event ID
Telona Murrage
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Primary reason

I've been hesitant, I suppose, to award the Sapphire Blade, or even the Grand Cross, because they truly mean something to me, and they should mean something great to those who receive them. I believe at this time, Telona is one of the perhaps three people in Tarentum who merit this award. Telona has been a long-standing member of Tarentum, and perhaps one of her best qualities is her leadership. Telona is a foundation upon which strength can be cultured. She puts tremendous effort and work into her Phyle, and also into the whole Clan, whenever the need arises. The last few months, I have watched her turn a Phyle that had been closed due to inactivity into a strong gathering of people truly interested in having fun, and dominating within the DB. I truly believe Telona is worthy of this honor, and offer my sincere thanks, and congratulations.

-KPN Sith Bloodfyre

, 2004-01-10 23:00:00 UTC