Following recommendation from the meeting of the Inner Circle for the Conclave of the month of July 2005 we would like to request the elevation of Sith Warrior Karimicus to the rank of Sith Warmaster.
This recommendation comes following repeated recommendations from various members, in particular a large section of the member base of those members of the Clan who play Star Wars Galaxies, including Raidoner Mandalore, Muz Ashen Keibatsu and Phantom, to name but a few.
Karimicuss contributions really have to be looked at in two lights, those during his former period of activity and those more recently within the Dark Brotherhood Guild. In the past he was an extremely active member of House Ludo Kressh along with a great Commander of Diamond Squadron. He was one of the original crew along with Bob and others such as Crimson Angel who held House Ludo Kressh together and shaped it into practically the First House of the Sith Order for a time when it even succeeded in defeating House Archanis in a personal Feud.
However, that was two years ago, if not more. Today, well, some months ago, Karimicus has returned as the Mayor of Ragnos Stronghold, the Dark Brotherhood Guilds base of operations, and in many ways is as much a figurehead of the Guild as Raidoner is as the official leader. The two have worked side by side in shaping the future of the Guild and some may well argue Karimicus has perhaps sacrificed even more of his time than the Guild Leader himself over the past months. He is known by essentially everyone and has done a great deal to recruit new members to the Dark Brotherhood and build the Guild up. He has also been an excellent ambassador outside the Guilds own borders having done well to promote the Guilds image when peaceful relations have occasionally broken down.
If nothing more one need only look at how long he has served as Sith Warrior, two years, two months. That is an awful long time. He earned more than half his next rank when last he was active and now following his services to the Dark Brotherhood Guild his name has again come forth for acknowledgement. His work has been a great help to the Clan, many of the members being avid fans of Galaxies themselves, and to the Dark Brotherhood as a whole, serving in many capacities as more the figurehead of the Guild than Raidoner.
Therefore the Inner Circle, consisting of the Clan Summit, Black Guard, Sons of Sadow and Inner Order, hereby recommend Sith Warrior Karimicus for elevation to the rank of and status of Sith Warmaster.
Karimicus, 2005-06-26 22:00:00 UTC