Event Details

Event ID
Kraval Taldrya
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Kraval Taldrya
Primary reason

Kraval has done an outstanding job in his House, his Clan, and the Dark Brotherhood in general. He has represented Dinaari and Taldryan in many gaming competitions and such, winning a good bit of them. He's always on IRC to talk, play, or just be there. Activity is oozing out of this guy!

The best things I've seen from Kraval is the excellent leadership of the Dark Fire Brigade. He has been keeping up good reports. He has been trying different competitions for the group. Lastly and most importantly, he tries to help others learn. He knows a great deal of JA/JO and shows that to new members in a teaching way. His knowledge of the brotherhood is also very good. If someone needs some direction, he's there to point them on.

Kraval is well deserving of a promotion to Dark Jedi Knight.

~OT Duga Arkarso Aedile: House Dinaari of Taldryan

When Kraval was promoted to Jedi Hunter, he was given the opportunity to lead Dinaari's battleteam, Dark Fire. For three months Kraval was assigned the duties of any other battleteam leader. He was to write weekly reports, run a competition, monitor his members for activity, and encourage his members to be active in the Dark Brotherhood. Kraval never missed a beat when it came to his reports. Like clockwork, reports were filed every week. Kraval went above and beyond for his team, running two competitions in the hopes of inspiring activity...and getting to hand out shinies. Kraval came to me mulitple times, making sure to remind me when he felt one of his members was deserving of a promotion. He knew his team like the back of his hand...not missing a beat when one dropped below a standard of activity. He personally talked to the member in an effort to help him return to an active state. Kraval also lead by example. He's constantly on IRC, and is always playing at the mulitplayer nights. In the last month alone Kraval earned over 250 CFs due to his incredible multiplayer presence.

The position can, at times, be stressful and unrewarding; members can sometimes be...less than cooperative. Kraval has stepped up to the challenge, and over these past three months shown a strong leadership quality that has really impressed me. Recently he chose to take on even more responsibility and became the house envoy, a job I'm sure he will excel at. I am very proud to be able to call Kraval a member of Dinaari. At this time I feel I can do no less then promote Kraval to Dark Jedi Knight. Congrats Kraval, enjoy your lightsaber...

  • Benevolent Taldrya Whiner

Kraval Taldrya, 2005-07-02 22:00:00 UTC