Event Details

Event ID
Aevin Lightwave
Old Rank
Novitiate 2
New Rank
Novitiate 3
Requested by
Aevin Lightwave
Primary reason

The drive and determination of this member has been amazing. He completed his character history, a task that has been a staple of new member activity for years. He introduced himself on the message boards, and completed his order's CORE course. He proved a desire to advance by managing to participate in the recent ICTE, without being able to connect to IRC; a feat deemed near impossible by others. By talking with his peers, he was finally able to connect, and joked with everyone in a clan channel. Aevin has shown without a doubt that he would like to continue in the DB, and I would like to help him along by promoting him to Novice. Congrats!


Aevin Lightwave, 2005-07-02 22:00:00 UTC