Event Details

Event ID
Savant Sato Tarentae
Old Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Savant Sato Tarentae
Primary reason

Sato’s performance has been exemplary again this month setting up a shining light for all to follow and take inspiration from. Welcoming new members and filling regular reports with me and the Aedile, he has also managed to build up a rapport with the members which is essential for serving in the House Summits. He has also been forthcoming with recommendations regarding awarding of medals and promotions and has been an overall efficient member of the House leadership structure, as such I feel this promotion is the least he deserves. -Welshman (QUA)

I concur with Welshman's recommendation and, as Sato's master, I can say that he has continued to impress me with his dedication, both as an Asst. Envoy for House Gladius and in private projects between the two of us. He is ready for the rank of Jedi Hunter. -Anshar (PCON/Master)

Savant Sato Tarentae, 2005-07-03 22:00:00 UTC