Event Details

Event ID
Vasily 'Paulikus' Zaitsev
Old Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Vasily 'Paulikus' Zaitsev
Primary reason

Vasily has created the Zaitsev Family Tree, which he will be utilizing in his next set of Trials. He passed the Krath CORE test with a score of 80, which is three points higher than even I did! He also submitted a very amusing story to CP Current Events, all about an attempted assasination attempt on Jac. Apart from finishing his trials, Vasily has shown an extremely large amount effort in his work, and has maintained a superb IRC presence. He was also quite welcome to criticisms of his work, always wanting to make sure it was "good."

Thus, I hereby nominate PRT Vasily to be promoted to the rank of Guardian so that he may continue his trials under my watch and move ever-closer to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight.

~DJK Scorpius (5037)

Since coming under the tutelage of Scorpius, Vasily has shone. He has stepped up his activity and adapted well to Plagueis' style of teaching. He is an ever present force on IRC and is always asking questions and asking for feedback. It is with great pleasure that I nominate Vasily for promotion to Guardian.

~KP Lucien Isradia

Vasily 'Paulikus' Zaitsev, 2005-07-23 22:00:00 UTC