I wish to recommend Aabsdu for promotion, to achieve the rank of Jedi Hunter. Make no mistake this is a member with incredible comittment and dedication to his clan, contributing continuously and forwarding the clans success. He regularly takes part in competitions, and managed great success in the recent IG's. As is to be expect of such a dedicated member he has an constant prescence on mIRC and is always friendly and approachable.
Further to this, a series of trials were set for him to achieve by his master Braecen, which he completed on top of my own recommendations. Here are a few words from Braecen himself.
Completion of the Trials of Knowledge.
Since becoming my Apprentice I have seen a new temperment slowly develop in this member. At first he was lost, confused in the maze of the DB... but slowly he immerses himself in the atmosphere and knowledge available from other members and grows each day. He has most recently completed the following tasks: Short fiction (This dealt with his training and hard efforts in the ways of Knighthood), an Epic poem (Describing his greatest failure), another fiction 'Assassination on Hoth' (good lil story if I might say from an aspiring Krath), also he has done splendidly in the House Exar Kun Run-on/Compeittions "Hunt for the Quaestor'! Couple this with great IRC activity and we have a very active Guardian!
I hereby recommend that this Apprentice be elevated to the rank of Jedi Hunter so he might complete his trials to Knighthood one day! ~Braecen Isradia
Zanet Xox, 2005-07-23 22:00:00 UTC