Event Details

Event ID
Old Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Dark Jedi Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Primary reason

After being in a Clan a while you start to pick up who are the loud ones and who are the quiet ones. Lech can certainly be claimed as one of the quieter ones, working behind the scenese but working none the less. Working to create a new Night Hawks page from scratch and helping Kat out with her time as Tetrarch. Lech is an inspiring person, constantly working and never asking when he would get promoted or causing problems. Lech was a diamond in the rough, through his few past months he has proven to be a valuable gem of CNS. ~Xhedias Forkall (RM/Naga Sadow)

Lech has been very reliable, and very dedicated to his position in Naga Sadow. As my right hand for so long, he proved himself time and time again. He has been very steadily active, participating in the forums and in writing competitions. His dedication is something that I would love to see more. Thank you for everything Lech, and wear your saber with pride. Its been a long time coming. ~ Kat Pridemore (HMR AED/Naga Sadow)

Lech is a sturdy, consistent member of Marka Ragnos, and has been for some time now. His stability and constant excellence serves as excellent bedrock from which his battleteam and in truth the whole house benefits. His work is omnipresent. He's on almost every run-on and constantly submitting to competitions.

Further, his work on his trials has been incredible. He has fought long and hard, even through the loss of his master, to attain his sabre. He has fought constantly and tirelessly in the ACC against wellknown combatants like former CM Xizor, Manji, Operator Kat Pridemore and myself. Further, his volunteer work as an assistant to the night hawks Tetrarch before assuming the post himself is worthy of praise. Lech is a strong and valuable asset of our clan, and I hope to see much more from this very promising Jedi. Hold your saber high, Lech, and strike in the name of Sadow. ~Muz Ashen Keibatsu (PCON/Naga Sadow)

Lech, 2005-07-25 22:00:00 UTC