Event Details

Event ID
Makurth "Zak"
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Makurth "Zak"
Primary reason

Currently, Zak has been through three sets of trials to the rank of Dark Knight. Coming close to finishing two of them, one of them as my apprentice and a second under the guidance of another. Though it did take Zak a few times he got them done with flying colors, sketching out a ghx of himself and his Master breaking into the Jedi Order. Zak has great IRC presence as well as incredible Antei Combat Centre presence. With the hope that Zak will one day get to feel the power of online gaming, he closely dominates the fiction world of Naga Sadow. It is to my great honor to present you your saber, Dark Knight. ~Xhedias Forkall (RM/Naga Sadow)

Zak has been active on IRC for some time. In addition, he participated in the IG and has been working hard to be a positive influence in the club. His hard work is worthy of the promotion. Congratulations, Zak, and keep up the activity. ~Kat Pridemore (HMR AED/Naga Sadow)

Zaknafein has bled for multiple masters before coming to the halls of Sadow, and yet, was still more than willing to fight even more for his knighthood. This dedication and perserverence is rare, and I feel should be rewarded. His immediate assault on his assigned trials belies a voracious appetite for the brotherhood, and I believe that he is and will continue to be a valuable asset to the clan. Raise your sabre high, Zaknafein, and Strike in the name of Sadow. ~Muz Ashen Keibatsu (PCON/Naga Sadow)

Makurth "Zak", 2005-07-25 22:00:00 UTC