Windos has proven himself to be a loyal and dedicated member of House Gladius and of Clan Tarentum. Since joining Gladius he instantly leapt into a new, active circle namely the circle he know leads with great distinction and zeal, the Keepers of the Night Circle. Since joining the Keepers Circle Windoss constant activity has indeed been exceptional always helping and leading by example always participating in Brotherhood wide and house events. So great has his dedication been to Clan, House, Brotherhood and Battle Team that the decision has been taken that he does not need to complete all his trials to become a Jedi Knight as is the tradition in Tarentum such is the dedication and selflessness that he shows to his Clan brothers. Windos my friend, it is long past time you took up your sabre and used it to further the cause of Tarentum.
Master Windos, 2005-08-03 22:00:00 UTC