I wish to bring to your attention the Sith known as Garreth Goura
Mandalore. This Sith was last promoted on 6/12/05. He has since shown
himself to be a truly a follower of the Dark Side. I have had the
fortune to be his Squadron Commander. Since his last promotion, he has
helped the Clan of Naga Sadow by submitting not once, but twice to the
Independance games as well as engaging in a Clan run on competition.
He has also passed the staggering number of 15 Shadow Academy cources
since then as well has having consistently posted to the CNS mesage
boards and the DB message boards. I reccomend him as House Envoy and
as his Battle Team Leader. Acerbus deserves to be a guardian of Clan
Naga Sadow and House Ludo Kressh. His Master, DJK Link Vortex and I
In Darkness, Macron Mandalore Goura
I wholeheartedly agree with this suggestion of a promotion for Garreth, based on the items that I have seen. He has waited very patiently for this, and is very deserving. ~AED Kat Pridemore
Garret, 2005-08-03 22:00:00 UTC