Event Details

Event ID
Famosus Aspicio
Old Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Famosus Aspicio
Primary reason

My apprentice, Protector Famosus (6124), has completed the Trial of Knowledge that I assigned him. He wrote a detailed Family Tree, explaining how his name was passed through generations towards him. It was an excellent piece of work! He also completed the Krath CORE test. He joined the HSK Battle Team, Satal's Inferno, as a Krath Tyro. He submitted an fantastic piece of fiction to the BT Competition, The Search for Chi-Long. Famosus has also begun working with Cipher on the creation of graphics. Famosus is a hard-working and loyal individual. Immediately after I recruited him into the Brotherhood, he began taking many tests, almost surpassing me. He is only a PRT and has completed 12 Shadow Academy courses, the majority of them with fantastic scores. He was even awarded a Dark Cross for his submissions to competitions and activeness. Combine all of this with a superb IRC presence, and I assure you that Famosus is ready to rise to the rank of Guardian! In Darkness, DJK Scorpius (5037)

Famosus has been working non-stop since he joined House Satal Keto. His work in the Shadow Academy has been nothing short of astounding, and he has maintained a consistant IRC presence in the Clan channel. Famosus' enthusiasm is truly an inspiration to myself as well as other members in his House and Clan, and I'm more than happy to request his promotion to the rank of Guardian. -JH Virulence Saj Bezatyne (5023)

Famosus Aspicio, 2005-08-04 22:00:00 UTC