Event Details

Event ID
Tiberius Serpentium
Old Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Dark Jedi Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Tiberius Serpentium
Primary reason

Tiberius is an asset to the Brotherhood. This is not a difficult thing for me to say, despite my characteristic hatred for him. He is constantly active on the message boards, adding well-thought out and insightful responses (despite, or maybe even because of his infatuation with Palpatine). I see very little of his daily activity, being the ProConsul of an 'enemy' clan to Taldyran, but what I do see, from his worthy submissions during the KRoS, and the competitions he runs, have a resonant quality to them. He is a strong writer, a valuable attribute for a Krath, and his way with new recruits is very charismatic. His character is strongly rendered in almost everyone's mind, and this is one of the most important things in my opinion.

While Tiberius has come from a shady beginning in the DB, I believe that he has risen above it to become a strong and valuable contributor within the Brotherhood. His dedication to storyline is impressive, as the bitter 'feud' between us continues to this day, impacting many members of my clan, and no doubt many of his as our machinations result in increased activity for everyone involved.

In short, Tiberius is a worthy enemy, and I pray that his commanders recognize him for his talents and work. Please consider the words of his sworn enemy, and grant Tiberius his saber.

--KE Muz Ashen Keibatsu (Krath)/LHoJ-P:HRLD-PCON/Naga Sadow "the Scourge of the Tang'va"

Tiberius has served as the Tetrarch of Hex phyle for quite a long time now. He's brought a lot of activity and promoted many competitions during his time, running many himself. Although his efforts are not always successful, he never fails to be persistent in fostering more. For a long time Tiberius has gone unrewarded for his service for a long time, yet he doesn't complain.

He's an excellent asset to Ektrosis and as his Quaestor I believe that he is more than capable to handle the mantle of Dark Jedi Knight. Congrats on your lightsaber!

-QUA Dark Sabre

Tiberius Serpentium, 2005-08-07 22:00:00 UTC