Gaidal Dupar has had a difficult time, balancing his heavy work comittments with that of the Brotherhood. Despite his limited time, he has made incredible strides for his House and Clan. He contributes where he can, taking part in the big events such as the Independence Games and any other competitions that crop up. He is often on mIRC, contributing and makes friends. I myself, am in constant communication either through MSN or Email.
He also further demonstrated his work by joining our Battleteam, Exars Shadow, and contributing in our BT competitions.
Finally I set him a very challanging piece of fiction where I asked him to write about a 'personal confrontation'. Not only did he write an incredible piece, it was also extremely well thought out and creative. Indeed I suspect he may have strong Krath ties. To incidicate the level of thought and detail, he took the time to consult with all the characters featured in his story. Including Mile Halcyon, Vir, Jay and myself. And it's this level of detail that makes the story shine! (copies on request)
For these reasons I believe Gaidal deserves his promotion. Congratulations.
Gaidal Dupar, 2005-09-03 22:00:00 UTC