Jaysen is a simply outstanding member. I frequently forget that he's only been around for a little under two months. He just fits in so well, it almost seems impossible that he's still so new. In roughly a month he has earned a ton of CFs, mostly attributed to him absolutly dominating in the Obelisk Rite of Supremacy. His activity recently earned him a term on the Cohors Praetoria, and earned an Elite CF for defeating a GMRG member. He's always on IRC, and is one of the people I almost look forward to coming home to chat with. More recently, he started helping out a newer member, showing great leadership potential. In short, he's a model member that I'm extremely glad is around. Dinaari wouldn't be the same without him, and it is my belief that he has more than earned his promotion to Guardian. Congrats Jaysen!
Jaysen, 2005-09-27 22:00:00 UTC