Event Details

Event ID
Chaosrain Taldrya
Old Rank
Dark Jedi Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Obelisk Templar (Equite 1)
Requested by
Chaosrain Taldrya
Primary reason

Chaosrain has been one of the best additions I’ve ever made to the Taldryan leadership team. Although for a long time he was an Obelisk trapped in a Krath’s body (and house) he still managed to remain active in all aspects of DB life. As Aedile of Ektrosis he has perfectly augmented Dark Sabre, working as an incredible leadership team. Chaos leads from the front as he remains active and expects his members to follow his example. On top of that he is one of the best communicators in the entire Clan. I can’t tell him how much I appreciate all the work he has put into the Clan, but I think he has more than warranted a promotion to Krath Priest, congratulations! (CON Kir’s Departure Awards)

Chaosrain Taldrya, 2005-10-11 22:00:00 UTC