Event Details

Event ID
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Old Rank
Krath Epis (Equite 3)
New Rank
Krath Pontifex (Equite 4)
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

Following the Conclave of the Inner Circle for the Month of October the Clan Summit, Inner Order, Black Guard and Sons of Sadow hereby acknowledge their request for the elevation of Muz Ashen Keibatsu to the rank of Krath Pontifex.

Normally writing a recommendation to Krath Pontifex or its equivalents would be hard and I'd find it difficult to know what to say to try and justify it. In this case its Muz, does anymore really need be said?

When I first took Muz on as Proconsul I must say I was somewhat cautious. He was relatively new to the club and my previous Proconsul (back when I was last Consul) was Trev, who essentially had more experience than I did, which was considerably different to choosing a younger member this time around. I had my concerns, as we all do, "is he up to the job?", "will he stay active long enough?", "will he make a good Consul one day?", "will he stay around long enough so he's still there when I retire in 2060?", and so on. I have been amazed with how misplaced any doubts I may have had have been, Muz is an outstanding Proconsul and out outstanding leader. He is one of the most active members not just in the Clan but in the Dark Brotherhood, tirelessly working on numerous projects throughout the club.

Warbanners? Check. Lightsaber Combat Guide? Check. Rebirth Graphics? Check. Martial Arts Combat Guide? Check. New Shadow Academy Courses? Check. Need I go on? There is hardly a place someone can go without seeing evidence of Muz's contributions to the club- one only needs to look down the lefthand side of the page to see the little link to "Lightsaber Guide". Not many members who have only been in the club two years have made a lasting contribution of that fashion.

As a leader in the Clan Muz is truly one that has already made himself into a legend. He's a Consul-in-Waiting. For someone who only joined it under two years ago there is nobody in the Clan who doesn't know his name and everyone holds him with universal praise. He is always there to answer problems, he's great at resolving conflicts (he is a member of the Chamber of Justice after all) and is always working on things to help out the Clan. He even doesn't mind doing all the tedious paperwork the rest of us hate- could anybody wish for a better assistant? He really is a brilliant Proconsul.

Muz Ashen has not only been a leader in CNS, he has also been my master since I started the DB. I have watched him spend hour upon hour working on projects for the DB, for CNS, and doing custom saberes for people, all without asking for recognition. While he gave me direction and help when I needed it, he also gave me the freedom to take whatever part of the DB I felt the most comfortable with, and run with it. Muz has done so much, and this promotion is just a small part of it. Thank you Muz, for all you've done. - KP Kat Pridemore (Krath)/AED/Marka Ragnos

Muz Ashen has heklped guide our Clan to greatness. He was one of the very first people I met when I joined the club, and has been a postive influence on me ever since. The guy is a born leader and goes the extra mile every time. I am glad to know him, and think he is a great example of what makes our Clan so much fun to be in. - SW Mononoke Keibatsu (Sith)/QUA/Ludo Kressh

Since his last promotion, Muz has been working dilligently for his clan, for the herald, and as part of the Justicar's office. he has been creating custom lightsabers for all who asked for one. with his leadership, Naga Sadow got to third in the Obelisk Rite of Supremacy. with his leadership, Naga Sadow is growing stronger every day. he has put a lot on the side for his clan. I feel he deserves this promotion. congrats, Pontifex. - DA Korras van Dratio (Obelisk)/OHC/Dark Council

For the last two months at the Clan Conclaves the idea of Muz's promotion has been met with universal approval. The whole of the Clan Summit are pleased with what he brings to the Clan, the Sons of Sadow see him as a future inductee into their own secret covenant, the Inner Order already see him as one of their own, and the Black Guard are glad to serve him.

While I know there are some who will think he has been getting a lot of medals first those are just a sign of everything else he puts into the club. First and foremost, his service to the Clan, has gone unrewarded for some time. He may get his Emerald Daggers and his Sapphire Blades but most of the time these are for services done elsewhere, the Grand Master, the Herald, etc. Krath Pontifex is his home's way of saying thankyou for everything he has done.

On behalf of everyone in the Clan, as well as really everyone in the club that sees what you do, congrats Muz, you're a great Proconsul, the Clan wouldn't be what it is without you, so well done on a very well earned promotion.

  • Xanos Sadow, Inner Circle & Clan Naga Sadow

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2005-10-22 22:00:00 UTC