Event Details

Event ID
Archean Bloodfyre Tarentae
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Archean Bloodfyre Tarentae
Primary reason

Today, the time has come to reward one of the most promising new member the DB has had in the last six months. Jedi Hunter Archean Bruth'Kothae is, in my opinion, in die need of a promotion, and everyone I've spoken feels the same way. In the words of his Master, Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir:

"As his master, I have seen alot of good things out of Archean. His attitude in the face of hard times has been awesome, he is a shining example of true Dark Jedi Knights. I can only approve this promotion since he has passed every trial and assignment I have given him. He's gone beyond everything I have shown him, and is a true leader when it comes to being on a summit. His assignments have tried every part of his character, and he has done so with honor, and respect for the elders. He's always got his assignments done on time or way before the date given. His gaming activity is top notch and he is more than willing to help others out with Jedi Academy when they need it, or if he sees them struggling to get better. He has outstanding activity in the clan, and is on IRC regularly chatting away. When he does work its top notch and well thought out. So many people have been given chances like the ones Archean have been given and never do anything with them, he has held Quaestor of the House of Tridens, Aedile of the House of Tridens twice, and now is the current Aedile of the House of Galeres, so I can do nothing more than release my apprentice for better things, I do hope several years later he remembers the teachings I gave him, and will go beyond them as well, and becomes something greater. Good luck, my apprentice, and congratulations Dark Jedi Knight Archean Bruth'Kothae."

And as Archean's Proconsul, the only thing I have to add is that I agree with this recommendation wholeheartedly. Again, congratulations to Archean. You deserve it.

  • Krath Epis Strategos T. Entar, Proconsul of Arcona.

Archean Bloodfyre Tarentae, 2005-12-29 23:00:00 UTC