Event Details

Event ID
Braecen Kaeth
Old Rank
Krath Priest (Equite 1)
New Rank
Krath Archpriest (Equite 2)
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

DGM/CON Kir Taldrya Katarn: Through my brief time in Plagueis I have come to understand several things – one of those is that Braecen is one of the best members around. Not to say we haven’t had our disagreements, but Braecen has shown a real maturity in moving beyond our differences and working for the good of the Clan. Before I even arrived in Plagueis, Braecen had been hard at work, first for CEK, for which I know he did a lot of work – and then for Plagueis under Chi. I wish I could remember the laundry list of projects that Braecen completed as PCON, but specifics are slipping from me right now. Needless to say that Braecen was very influential and crucial in the founding decisions and activity of the Clan. This can easily be seen in the way he is treated by this fellow Clan mates, by whom he is mutually respected. After I arrived in Plagueis Braecen immediately made every effort to help me in my task. He forwarded tons of old material on numerous topics, much of which I used in formulating the new Plagueis identity. He was also providing ideas for nearly every subject I could think of – really helping me with the background of the Clans. On top of that he is incredibly active overall. As Sarin mentioned he has earned 230 clusters of fire, quite an achievement, and also submitted 30 pages of material for writer’s corner. In addition to all of that, he quickly volunteered to help the PCON and myself write up the sacred rituals for the granting of the Clan name, which he quickly completed. His IRC, MB, and email activity levels are all consistently outstanding as well – he is really the model of an active member – I wish I had more Braecen’s in Plagueis!

PCON Sarin: I am honored to request the promotion of Krath Priest Braecen Isradia Kunar to the rank of Krath Archpriest. Braecen has distinguished himself as one of the most active Krath Priests over the course of the last 8 months. As a member of the Equite Class Braecen has worked with zeal and élan to further advance his understanding of the Krath Order and the Dark Side of the Force. His accomplishments have been outstanding at the Battleteam, House, Clan, Order, and Dark Brotherhood Level. As a KP, Braecen finished 3rd Overall in the Independence Games, won 230 Clusters of Fire, submitted 30 pages of writing to the Writers Corner, completed four Shadow Academy Courses, competed in several Krath Order competitions, and placed in three trivia events. In addition to his personal successes Braecen has also trained five Dark Jedi (Scorpius, Prajna, Xan, Korbin, Aabsdu), served as a member of the Shadow Academy Staff, served as a Batteteam leader, served as an Aedile, and served as a PCON. He is also a member of the Antei Combat Chamber with the rank of Knight (23-5). Braecen has gone above and beyond the duty of a Krath Priest and is deserving of an Elevation to Krath Archpriest.

QUA Godo: Braecen is a great friend and a powerful ally to the House. His former talents as PCON are a lesson to all of us when it comes to organization and micromanagement. Since he has returned to Plagueis he has been a fantastic member, serving in every capacity he can. He has entered countless competitions, won countless more medals for his accomplishments. He is always suggesting wonderful ideas, takes part in the Chronicle, has helped and continues to help shape the future of Exar Kuns new home world. And despite giving his all, not once has he complained and not once has he refused any of my requests. In short, a model member.

Braecen Kaeth, 2006-01-10 23:00:00 UTC