Event Details

Event ID
Malekith Sythe'rae
Old Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Malekith Sythe'rae
Primary reason

As both Master and Aedile to Malekith, I am can attest to the dedication and loyalty he has shown consistently to our organisation since his earliest days.

To date, Malekith has been a constant dominating presence in his Circle by providing ideas and participating in compeitions (such as winning the recent KOTN Wreak etc.) He has also been nominated to succeed the current Asst. Envoy, once the current term is up.

In his apprenticeship to myself, Malekith has completed the following tasks: further developing his character through fiction (creating a new Krath Ritual, participating in 2 master/apprentice run-ons, creating poetry in both unmodulated and hexametric styles, crafting a story in which he sacrifices a part of his being, and several smaller projects [help in editing my Envoy reports etc.]).

For his consistent activity and in accord with the Tarentum promotion guide, it is my belief that Malekith has exceeded the level of a Protector.

Malekith Sythe'rae, 2006-01-26 23:00:00 UTC