Hhere are my reasons for promotion of Impetus to DJK:
1) She had been an Aedile for two months during which time she activly sent out reports and kept in contact with the House and clan. This was about the same amount of time I was Aedile (back in the day) and this alone was sufficient for promotion. Well, holding the position and attempting the trials was enough so there's good reason with this one.
2) She has joined the ACC, completed here training battle and has beaten me in a standard match, thus earning herself an ACC rank increase.
3) I had her write a story about the creation of her first lightsaber. I attached a copy of it to this email so you can read it. It's not great but it's a great improvement over her earlier writing so I accepted it.
4) Since named as Quaestor of Caliburnus she has organized and run two competitions: one to name the battle team and the other entitled Important event. during her time as Aedile she organized and help run the CSP oscars, which all will agree had fairly good success.
5) She has passed the Lightsaber Basics exam at the SA. 6) Finally, she earned herself a medal by placing first in the weekly DB meeting trivia on 2/4/2006. That's all the stuff I have. But from what I see above, besides her tenure of 3 months, there should plenty of reason to elevate her to the Rank of DJK. She has my full confidence and blessing and I'm sure if you ask Mune(or any of the other HAD members) they will say the same thing.-Kschamehellan
Since assuming the helm of HC, Impetus has done an outstanding job of running the house and trying to get everything reorganized after a merger of two houses. She wastes little time when things are needing done and get's them done very efficiently. I've consulted her master many times and have been quite impressed with everything I've heard. I wholly agree with her master's request of elevation to Knighthood, she is an outstanding member that deserves the place and recognition it brings.-SW Dakari Tamalar
General Zentru'la, 2006-02-27 23:00:00 UTC