I am honored to request the promotion of SBL Vessicant. Vessicant has earned the right to enter the final tier of the Equite class through his hard work and dedication. His understanding of the Dark Side and the Force has matured to the level where he understands that his Clan and Order are larger than his personal desires.
Over the past one year and eleven months Vessicant has contributed to the development of the Dark Brotherhood, Clan Plagueis, and House Exar Kun. His work as an ACC trainer has been nothing short of spectacular. He has trained 91 members in ACC matches at the Proving and Training Grounds. His thought out guidance and instruction of ACC combatants has improved the standard of incoming initiates and has improved the overall ACC. In addition to the training of new members in the ACC, Vessicant also created an ACC Trainer guide that is now being finalized by the Combat Master. This guide will show future ACC trainers how to properly train and guide new members of the ACC.
Vessicant has also served his Clan and House over the past year. He served as QUA of Kirleta for four months. During this time he improved the activity and morale of his House by creating an ACC guide for the House, training Envoys, and creating the configuration of the House Fighter Wing.
While Vessicant has dedicated the majority of his time over the past year and eleven months to improving other members experiences in the DB through the ACC, he has also found the time to stay active on a personal level. He has fought in the various ACC forums 41 times, earned 13 CFs, competed in the GJW (earned a DC and Bronze Novae), competed in the Independence Games, Competed in Multiple Clan competitions, and competed in multiple House competitions.
Vessicant has served well beyond the capacity of a SBL and is ready to become a Sith Warlord. His contributions to the Dark Brotherhood, ACC, and Clan Plagueis have truly placed him as an elite within our organization.
The Combat Master Adds:
I have always held to the adage that being a Trainer in the ACC is not an easy task. Writing with and trying to help someone who may not know how the ACC works can be trying on patience and even level of desire. Perhaps the most stable core staff in the ACCs history, a lot would be lost without Vessicant. He undertakes more battles, both training and qualification, on a consistent basis than anyone else and he is always striving to improve each combatant. Rarely, if ever, have I seen him give up the instant it became difficult or frustrating, but thats just his nature. I have had the pleasure of having Vessicant by my side (or at my throat :P) in every position Ive held in the DB. First in CSK, where he was quick to help in areas where Sith knowledge was needed, taking the pressure off the creation of the Clans order of battle that went long untouched till we tackled it. My year as PCON in the Clan would have been utterly unproductive without Vessicant who always jumped in first when something needed his expertise. Second, as time passed, I was lucky to be able to call on him even though our paths had split from the same Clan and led me to the ACC. Because of our history; he was one of the first hires I made upon my appointment as CM, and it was one of the smartest moves I have ever made. So many people are willing to just go with the flow, but Vessicants desire to be better than that make him one of the best Trainers on the staff. Its been a year now and in that year Vessicant has earned himself a Sapphire Blade and a Steel Cross as well as the title of Champion in the ACC. Within his SB-SC time frame (approx.6-7 months ago to present) his contribution of trained and qualified Initiates has easily gone into the hundreds, still maintaining his hardest working trainer epithet. His commenting is thorough and his instruction is sound, so much more than just spouting out jargon, he has an honest caring for the Initiates. In addition, his contributions to the ACC Compendium are priceless as well. When it comes to specifics Vessicant has a very keen eye, which seems to be able to pinpoint the slightest inconsistencies. He has been helpful, in that regard, because it ensures that the Compendium just keeps moving forward to a complete and virtually perfect set of documents. Currently, he is spearheading a Trainers Guide to insert into the ACC Staff Handbook. It covers everything from the basics of administration (from a Trainers point of view) to how to actually explain the ACCs judging criteria to, even, how to deal with Initiates who are not primarily English speaking (which, in itself, is an invaluable piece of guidance). Coupled with my views concerning the ACC staff and their work, is my vision of the ACC as a whole. I have stated, time and again, that this is an extremely unique situation to be in as a staff member. I can think of no other platform in the DB that expressly requires dissolving Clan and Order affiliation in performance of its duties (that involve Clan and Order members directly), while attempting to maintain Clan and Order affiliation as part of those bodies as well. Very often, staff members will see their Clan activity dwindle because of their dedication to the ACC (and, by default, the Brotherhood as a whole) and are often docked for that when the idea of promotion rolls around. In my opinion, this promotion has been a long time coming for Vessicant, too long if my vision of the Centre were shared by others. He has repeatedly and consistently proven his dedication to the club through this medium, and Im hoping, when combined with his Clan recommendations and (perhaps) others, the big picture of his work ethic and determination will be realized. It is in that wise that I whole heartedly recommend SBL Vessicant be elevated to the rank of Sith Warlord (SWL). ~DA Dalthid, Combat Master 20060303
Vessicant, 2006-03-05 23:00:00 UTC