For some time now, Zekk has been a consistently active member of the clan and the Brotherhood as a whole. Zekk has held both circle leader and Aedile positions since his last promotion, lending his experience and leadership to each level of command. As Magistrate to the Herald, Zekk has been active in keeping the Brotherhood informed of Star Wars related events.
Zekk has always done excellent work when he was in command of a unit, directly helping new members and providing competitions for them to do. Zekk has always been a friendly face to everyone in the clan, especially in IRC. Zekk also has a long history of leading by example from his participation in all levels of competitions to offering advice and suggestions to the leadership of both his house and his clan. Zekk recently participated in a large clan competition, taking 3rd place in the gaming portion of that competition. In his current position as Rollmaster of Tridens, Zekk continues to aid the house summit.
One final thing I would like to note is the time Zekk has spent at his current rank. Over my years in the Brotherhood, I have noticed many people who, when they felt that they were unnecessarily delayed in advancement, left the Brotherhood, or at least transferred to other clans. Zekk has stuck with it all, though, and continued to be active. Zekk is very much the embodiment of what a Brotherhood member should be. Hes here to have fun and if rewards and character advancements come from that activity, then so be it.
Because of his time, his dedication, and his activity in his house, his clan, and the Brotherhood as a whole, I recommend him for the rank of Obelisk Exarch.
Since I joined Tarentum almost three years ago one of the names I keep hearing attributed to good deeds is Zekk. A constant performer, good friend and always a source of an honest opinion. Through his time I have served as Proconsul in this Clan and his Aedile in Gladius for a short while he has never stinted from a path of service to the Clan be it through training members in the First-Person games and even participating in games himself.
Recently he transferred over to House Tridens to aid them in their time of need with the summit upheavals and with the blessing of the House and Clan Summits took upon himself the position of Rollmaster and Sergeant of Battle Team Cestus. Activity since I've begun to take note has been exemplary, participating in every clan run-on going, Clan competitions rarely go past without seeing his name as one of the entrants and recently he has been an instrumental participant in the gaming nights for Tarentum. As things stand it would be a great pleasure for me to promote Zekk for the work he has done, and will continue to do for the Clan.
Zekk, 2006-03-05 23:00:00 UTC