Event Details

Event ID
Ayden Dane
Old Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Ayden Dane
Primary reason

Since day one, Melkor has amazed me with his enthusiasm and activity. He has asked questions and been very active. He recently took 1st place in the writing portion of the recent clan competition. This is amazing because most new members rarely win large competitions from the start. I do believe that in many ways, this promotion is actually well overdue, and that for all of his activity and work so far, Melkor has proven that he has learned new skills and sought out new information. ~Anshar

As a master to Melkor one would assume that I have a special interest in seeing him take an extra step towards the all important Knighthood. Alas any and all praise that can be bestowed upon Melkor is much deserved and worked for. During the recent Clan competition Melkor participated in every round with submissions that won him recognition. Not only has Melkor proven his worth in Clan Competitions but he has also gone beyond the call of duty and volunteered to participate in a project to help the Clan develop a fully formed history and to gain an even better sense of identity, couple with his constant enthusiasm and contact means we are justified in bestowing this well-deserved promotion on this valued partner in our journey to improve our beloved Clan. Congratulations my Apprentice. ~Welsh

Ayden Dane, 2006-03-05 23:00:00 UTC