My Apprentice Kryd'r needs to be promoted to Guardian please.
The things he has completed:
Participate in 4 Competitions, at least one House, one Clan, one DJB. He participated in the Poem, Insignia, the Run-On, and Gaming Night.
Make your Character Sheet for ACC. He has done this.
Fight at least 3 people in JA for the full amount of matches for Game Night (6 matches of 5)/ICTE(3 matches of 5) or 5 people in ACC. He has done ICTE.
Complete 3 SAs of your choice. He completed SIth Tactics, Alchemy, and Krath Poetry, plus Krath Advanced Poetry.
Submit 2 Competition ideas to a Battleteam/House/Clan. He has done this.
I would have to agree with this promotion. He has done the above and it more then guarantees him a promotion to GRD, Congrats!
Kryd'r Ircor, 2006-03-31 22:00:00 UTC