Event Details

Event ID
Sharad Taldrya Hett
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Since his return from the land of the inactives, Sharad has jumped back into Clan activities head-first. He immediantly picked up website duties and has implemented a ton of new ideas I had, as well as some of his own, to make the Clan Taldryan website the most informative, helpful, and entertaining site second only to djb.org itself. The description of what a Grand Cross is awarded for says, "service to one's Clan in areas meant to encourage communication and interaction between members". With all the new features on Taldryan.org, including a competitions section, a feedback form, and lots of fictional entertainment, Sharad has done exactly that. On top of all that, he told me not to reward him anything...modesty! For all of his hard work Sharad deserves this medal more than anyone else I can think of, without him I'd be staring at the website praying it magically upgraded itself!

, 2004-01-26 23:00:00 UTC