Event Details

Event ID
Mystic Azler Wilder
Old Rank
Dark Jedi Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Krath Priest (Equite 1)
Requested by
Mystic Azler Wilder
Primary reason

Where do I start with Jeax? Ever since he came to Galeres in the beginning of March, he's been an absolute flurry of activity. Jeax has done virtually every Clan or House competition thrown at him, he's been tremendously active as a gamer with almost 100 CFs in a month, he has (together with Dash) dominated the latest Clan run-on, he's done SA courses, ACC matches - you name it, and he's done it.

On top of that, he has a level of IRC presence and activity that very few can match, and he's simply one of the most energetic persons I've ever seen. Combine these qualities and you have an outstanding member, who also hasn't been promoted in nearly two years. This definitely needs to be corrected, in my opinion. Therefore, let me be the first to congratulate Krath Priest Jeax Zirv. Wear your rank with pride, and know that you've earned it.

Strategos T. Entar, Proconsul of Arcona

Mystic Azler Wilder, 2006-04-17 22:00:00 UTC