Event Details

Event ID
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Primary reason

Mononoke "Macron" Keibatsu-Goura By my reckoning, Sin has fulfilled the requirements of DJK. He certainly has the time in as JH and is active. His last promotion was 11/30/05. Since then, he has: *functioned as HLK assistant envoy, backing up people when they were away or had changed postions *made graphics gratis for many people, myself included. My sig, picture of the Silooth, and avatar are his. *earned 2 stars of antei, 2 dark crosses, 3 CrE's, and 21 clusters of fire (wow) *participated in numerous run-ons, including assisting Revenant with competitions *been present on IRC and the MB's *has a great attitude I think he is worthy of the mantle of Knighthood, and has done a great job in my opinion as his Master. Therefore, I reccomend he be promoted to Knight forthwith.

Revenant "Caligula" Mandalore Eldrad Sin has been an invaluable member, both to Sapphire Squadron and the Brotherhood as a whole. He has strong IRC presence, always willing to talk to people and help where he can, a quality he has brought to his position as assistant envoy. He has provided graphics for numerous members, and is constantly accepting requests for more. Sin has participated in many run-ons, almost always bringing something fresh to the story, and submitted to several competitions. He has recently been gaming again, earning numerous Clusters of Fire. I have little doubt that if he continues to perform to this standard he will be a great asset during the Clan Feud. In my opinion, for such consistent activity in the service of his House and Clan, Eldrad Sin should be promoted to Dark Jedi Knight...

Malisane de Ath Jedi Hunter Eldrad Sin has shown himself on numerous occasions to be a commited and active member. During his time as Assistant Envoy he performed his duties well and with enthusiasm standing in for his House Envoy at a time when both her and myself were experiencing technical difficulties without complaint. His work on the Sapphire Headquarters website is excellant and he has given the project a proffessional but fun and entertaining look that does him proud. In addition to that he is always enthusiastic to help others with graphics. Therefore I feel Jedi Hunter Eldrad Sin has earned the rank of Dark Jedi Knight.

Shin'ichi Keibatsu Sin has completed every task set before him in a timely and professional manner. He has completed all the trials of Knighthood and sworn his oath to the Clan and the Brotherhood. Beyond this he has been a most valuable asset to his house and the clan as a whole. I wholeheartedly recommend his immediate promotion to Dark Jedi Knight.

Xia Long Eldrad Sin has taken part in more than 5-6 competitions, collecting three Crescents with winning in those. Additionally he also takes part in Gaming Nights and SIT having gained 21 Cluster of Fires. Even more he gained two Star of Anteis and two Dark Crosses. He has a strong presence on the messageboards, taking part in Runons and other threads. Additionally he worked and still works on a lot of images, e.g. signatures for the messageboards, saber images. It is fun to talk to him on IRC where he is also often online. Even more I am proud that he has stepped up as the House Envoy of House Ludo Kressh from the former position as an assistant envoy. Currently he works on his latest project: the webpage for the Sapphire battle team. There was not a single doubt about a deserved promotion to the rank of a Dark Jedi Knight. Congratulations! Sildrin Sadow - KAP Xia Long

Sin, 2006-05-03 22:00:00 UTC