Lucius has been one of the most consistently active members in Arcona since he joined us. Often participating in competitions, and always willing to play gaming matches if there were any opponents around, his activity level's been quite solid.
In the latest Clan Feud, Lucius had an excellent participation record with 9 out of 11 events done, the second highest participation rate in the entire Clan. That's one of the things I like best about him - whenever there's a major competition, he always manages to substantially increase his activity level. Just like in the last ORoS, although he was regrettably fighting for CNS in that competition.
He's also been ICTE tribune since January, which is one of the more time-consuming positions in the Brotherhood, and he's done it well. Combine all this with his IRC presence, and the fact that he's a generally nice character, and I think a promotion would definitely be in order - even, might I say, slightly overdue. But I guess that's my own fault.
Lucius, your hard work and loyalty are hereby rewarded at last. Welcome to the Class of the Equites. :)
- Strategos T. Entar, Proconsul of Arcona
Du Maurier d'Tana, 2006-05-19 22:00:00 UTC