Xayun has passed all his trials, including the one I set him. he has been diligently doing his job as Envoy, and whatever else comes his way. To put it simple: he deserved this promotion. Congrats, Knight.
~DA Korras, CON<br><br>
Jedi Hunter Xayun has completed all of the trials the clan has laid out for a promotion to Dark Jedi Knight. Mind you, these trials are not easy.
However, I'm sure everybody else has discussed the trials, so I'll talk about something else. Xayun, probably because he's the "new guy" takes a lot of crap from his fellow members, which is ironic because some of the people teasing him don't do anything for the Clan and Xayun has proved himself invaluable. He was awesome as a House Envoy and will prove to be awesome as a Clan Envoy.
His participation during the recent 4-way Clan Feud was excellent.<br>
Sith Warlord Manesh Sadow<br>
Proconsul, Clan Naga Sadow<br><br>
One of the differences you notice in the DB is with the people who you have to constantly prod into activity with emails to get them to work for promotion, and the people who go out and look for it all the time seeking new things to do to keep busy and stand out as a result. There is no doubt that Xayun falls into the second category.
He never seems to tire or grow bored, he's in IRC seemingly more often than X, he is one of the Clans most active gamers, having a steady stream of Cf's pouring onto his dossier every week, he participates in competitions regularly winning crescents, he takes an enthusiastic but mature role in email discussions on relevant clan matters, he took over the role of Clan Envoy with an enthusiasm and proficiency not seen since the previous one, and is often seen advising people in IRC on both gaming and other computer related matters when needed. The successful completion of his Knight Trials is proof of his commitment to his career and his Clan.<br>
Therefore Xayun Erinos has earned the rank of Dark Jedi Knight.<br>
Malisane de Ath<br>
Aedile of Ludo Kressh<br><br>
Xayun Erinos is an outstanding member of Clan Naga Sadow - proofing people that he is indeed a invaluable member. He worked hard on his trials, and many times he found a way to complete them although some activities were blocked by the feud. He simply completed tasks where he had to write stories which he claims to sucks at, although he is a marvelous writer. He quickly created a good story about creating his saber for his first task. For his second task he participated in 22 gaming matches during the feud, participated in a competition (even won it) and passed two additional Shadow Academy courses. As his third task he submitted a usuable graphic for the CNS webpage. He cooperated with another member of the clan who tought him quite some about how to use the graphic software and get some neat effects with it. The final task was given by our Consul Korras: a five page fiction about the life within Clan Naga Sadow, which turned out to be a great humorous story. He is very committed to the clan and greatly enjoys the activities of the Dark Brotherhood. One of the best conditions for his career. He is active, he enjoys to talk to people on IRC, he does a great job as the former house and now Clan Envoy, he earned a Steel Cross and participated in the feud. He has proofen worthy to carry a lightsaber.<br>
KAP Xia Long, Sildrin Sadow<br>
Xayun, 2006-05-19 22:00:00 UTC