Event Details

Event ID
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Primary reason

This member has completed the Clan Mandated requirements for promotion to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. And within a very fast time frame. He has completed the requirements set forth by his Master KP Orzon, as well as DJM Dantes his Consul. They follow below:

Masters Trial: 2 page fiction on selected Lightsaber style Trial of Knowledge: Complete 2 of the 3 following SA Courses (Leadership Sudies, Fundamentals, Applications) Trial of Plagueis: Design a usable graphic for the Clan website. Trial of Skill: Create a Fiction on a topic pertaining to your Clan and character, Participate in two Clan or House Competitions, Create a fiction on the creation of your lightsaber, And the Jedi Hunter must participate in a Dark Brotherhood Wide or major Clan Competition, in addition to the three above items.

As you can see this is alot to do, and this member has completed them within 1 week, along with active participation inthe GJW. I believe this member is worthy of his lightsaber and his last rank of Journeyman.

QUA/SBM Daniel Stephens

Raken, 2006-06-22 22:00:00 UTC