Event Details

Event ID
Old Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Primary reason

The Clan Scholae Palatinae requirements for promotion to Jedi Hunter are as follows:

Elevation from Guardian (GRD) to Jedi Hunter (JH) [Complete three tasks] "Trials of the Sword"

  1. Submit to 3 competitions
  2. 15 Clusters of Fire (Or the equivalent of 45 matches)
  3. Earn 2 Crescents from competitions
  4. Participate in 15 ACC matches or collect 5 wins (Accumulative)
  5. Submit a Graphic of your character in combat (please refrain from stick characters)
  6. Submit 10 pages of Fiction to the Writer's Corner
  7. Earn a Merit award AND, complete a Master's Trial OR pass the Shadow Academy course, Lightsaber Studies AND complete a Task for your Clan Summit

Since his last promotion Guardian Laurus has fulfilled many of these requirements, and gone even further with them. Since that time Laurus has earned forty-eight Clusters of Fire, exceeding the mark by thirty-three. He has earned a Star of Antei and a Dark Cross. He has earned two Crescents with Amethyst Stars. He has earned three Scrolls of Indoctrination. On top of this he has passed a Shadow Academy exam and also his Advancement Survey. In those eight months since his last promotion Laurus has also qualified to fight within the ACC. Quite possibly greater than all of these tasks though, Guardian Laurus has perform a great task for his Clan Summit. He has served as Aedile of House Acclivis Draco for the past five months. It is my option that Laurus is ready for his promotion to Jedi Hunter, and the task of his Dark Jedi Knight trials. Congratulations Laurus!

  • SW Brujah Tamalar

Laurus, 2006-07-18 22:00:00 UTC