Looking back on the past six months, there have been a handful of members in Dinaari that have gone above and beyond the norm to excel. JH Michael Arkarso is one of those members. Serving as the last BT leader Dinaari had (before it was disbanded for structure purposes) Michael led with the determination and skill of a seasoned veteran, keeping his members informed and active on a high level. Since then, he has remained active, participating in the recent Clan Feud and the current GJW at a pace that few can match. For these services to his House and Clan, I hearby reccomend that JH Michael Arkarso be awarded the rank of Dark Jedi Knight!
From AED Kraval Novir:
During his time as our last battle team leader Michael Arkarso did a wonderful job ensuring that everyone under his command was active and kept close tabs on them. Even though we had to disband the battle team Michael still stayed active for a while before returning to participate in the 6th GJW. His efforts are greatly appreciated and for that I think he should be given the rank of DJK.
Michael Arkarso, 2006-07-19 22:00:00 UTC