Event Details

Event ID
Jarith Krasa
Old Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Jarith Krasa
Primary reason

Jarith Krasa is truly a wonder. It isn’t often I have seen a member join and have such a desire to help out and be an active part of the Dark Brotherhood. It is an honor that he asked me to be his master. Always looking for something to help out on, Jarith is a steadfast member and I know he will go far in the DB. I laid out several tasks for him to do, most of which he had finished practically within 48 hours of receiving them. These tasks where completing four SA courses (Which he did more then that) one of which needed to be the Leadership Applications. As well I asked him to write a short fiction on his character, which he did wonderful on. He also completed a character portrait and earned a merit Award. Aside from these tasks Jarith has started a character website, for further character development. He also helped out by writing some History for House Caliburnus, and had aided with some graphics for the Clan. Jarith is also underway in Training to Qualify for the ACC. Jarith is a most excellent student, and member of the DB, the kind we all wish would join more often. For all this I believe Jarith Krasa is more then worthy for advancement to Guardian.

Xen’Mordin Apophis Entar

Jarith Krasa, 2006-08-11 22:00:00 UTC