Event Details

Event ID
Ocih Weogi
Old Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Ocih Weogi
Primary reason

Ocih's performance since his last promotion has been nothing short of sterling. His dedication to maintaining an active presence in Gladius is attested by the compleition of : 9 additional Shadow Academy Courses (including all dealing with Leadership); the grabbing of 26 Clusters of Fire (some of which were gained by taking 1st place in various compeitions during the GJW); becoming a founding member of the newest Gladius BattleTeam; the creation of a Clan Tarentum Fantasy Football league on Yahoo; and, last but not least the compleition of many assignments constructed by his Master.

For proving himself a loyal and active son of Gladius and Tarentum I am more than confident that he is ready for this elevation.

Ocih congratulations mate

-SW Sato Bruth'Kothae Aedile to Gladius

Ocih Weogi, 2006-08-30 22:00:00 UTC