Event Details

Event ID
RevengeX Palpatine
Old Rank
Krath Priest (Equite 1)
New Rank
Krath Archpriest (Equite 2)
Requested by
RevengeX Palpatine
Primary reason

RevengeX has been with this Clan for a very long time. During that time, he has never failed in anything he attempts. He has served his various capacities including recently the thankless position of RollMaster/House Envoy. Even in times of turmoil within the Clan, I've always been able to count on RevengeX to what is required and try to help myself and anyone else that needs it. It has been an honor to serve in the same Clan as he and now it is time to honor his dedication and service.

Dakari Consul of Clan Scholae Palatinae

The rank of second level Equite is seldom given, most often earned and in very few regards ever achieved. But today I have the privilege and honor to present RevengeX Palpatine for the advancement into the Equite class. He has proven his loyalty to the Clan continually, serving as both RollMaster and House Envoy for an extended period of time. In which, he was prompt with his reports, contacted every member from the rank of Apprentice to Jedi Hunter weekly and provided essential contact letters that helped CSP advance since his last promotion. Additionally, he is an EP, active member, excellent writer and a large asset to this Clan.

Braecen Kunar ProConsul of Clan Scholae Palatinae

His peers have also included their words about his ability...

RevengeX has been one of the most steadfast and reliable members of Acclivis Draco. For nearly a year he served as the House Envoy and Rollmaster, a job he performed with tireless dedication. When I became the Clan Envoy, he was a tremendous help to me as I settled into the position. He has helped guide and mentor many members during his term as Envoy, constantly offering his wisdom and experience to help others. In addition to his service as Envoy, he's maintained a steady and active presence within the House; taking several Shadow Academy courses, participating in competitions, consistent email and IRC presence. Recently he stepped down as Rollmaster, to take up the position of Tetrarch of Drynwyn's Flame. He's poured his energy and dedication into the battleteam just as he had for his previous position. In all that he does for the House and Clan he has never given less than 100%, and it is truly a pleasure to work with him, firstly as the Clan Envoy and now as his Aedile. It is my sincerest wish that his efforts and dedication to the House and to the Clan itself be recognized. I wholeheartedly believe that RevengeX Palpatine is deserving and long overdue for his promotion to Archpriest.

~Rasilvenaira StormRaven

RevengeX has been a shining example of a member of House Acclivis Draco. I would go so far as to say he has become a pillar of the House. His activity levels have been consistently high and are especially notable in his weekly reports, which have come out every week without fail for a full year. He was served with distinction as HAD’s Rollmaster until very recently when he decided to help the house by serving as a Tetrarch in the new Battleteam system. His reports have not skipped a beat as he continues to add a little fiction to each and every one. His tireless efforts are also noticeable by his presence on IRC where he mingles with the chat fogies and even some newbies. =P

Though he has only recently become Tetrarch of Drywyn’s Flame, RevengeX has already set up a website for the Phyle, which he built from scratch. He also has a line of competitions and activities lined up for when the 6th Great Jedi War ends (having taken part himself), though we might convince him to give the members a slight breather in between. During the current power vacuum and shifts, RevengeX has provided some stability to the House and has stood as a role model for what a good summit member should be.

As a holder of the Clan name, RevengeX has continued to hold the spirit of CSP through his efforts, attitude and sheer craziness at times. It is with great satisfaction that I recommend RevengeX be promoted to Krath Archpriest. Thank you for all you’ve done, RevengeX.

-- Saitou

RevengeX Palpatine, 2006-09-10 22:00:00 UTC