A promotion in the Equite ranks requires a member to be dedicated to their own improvement, their Clans improvement, and the Dark Brotherhoods improvement. Members seeking promotion must possess a disposition of calm, confident, competent leadership. Few members of the Equite Class can every hope to match Krath Priest Orzon in these endeavors.
Krath Priest Orzon has worked for five months as the Clan Envoy of Plagueis. During this time he has worked without an equal or rival in the Envoy ranks. Orzon has led Clan Plagueis to two consecutive rating periods where Clan Plagueis has dominated the rest of the Dark Brotherhood in new member efficiency. Plagueis' success is a direct reflect of the effort and hard work of Orzon.
When I appointed Orzon as Clan Envoy he worked day and night to create an environment where new members in Clan Plagueis could achieve success. Orzon developed and improved multiple systems and policies that have been applauded by the Grand Masters. The Plagueis Envoy System (http://plagueis.darkjedibrotherhood.com/envoy.php), Master Guidelines (http://plagueis.darkjedibrotherhood.com/mguide.php), Master/Student Program (http://plagueis.darkjedibrotherhood.com/msp.php), and Promotion Guidelines (http://plagueis.darkjedibrotherhood.com/promotion.php) are all products created by Orzon. These policies not only shape the way Plagueis works with new members, but they also set a standard of excellence that all current Plagueis members must strive for.
The above would truly be enough to earn Orzon a promotion to Krath Archpriest, but Orzon is no ordinary member and his contributions to Plagueis go far beyond his work as an Envoy.
Recently Orzon has developed and created the Clan Plagueis Feudal system (http://plagueis.darkjedibrotherhood.com/feudal.php). This system brings Clan Plagueis in line with several other Clans in the Brotherhood for offering land owner Titles to members of the Clan. Orzon took this idea from infancy and created a well thought out system that will serve Clan Plagueis for years to come. In addition to this major task, Orzon has also taken it upon himself to rewrite the House Exar Kun History. This project is currently underway but the rough drafts have been amazing.
Orzon is a man among boys at the rank of Krath Priest. His promotion to Krath Archpriest is one that he is deserving of and one that we owe to this outstanding member of the Dark Brotherhood.
Congratulations Orzon.
Valerian di Plagia Orzon, 2006-09-26 22:00:00 UTC