Event Details

Event ID
Sato Tarentae
Old Rank
Warrior (Equite 1)
New Rank
Battlemaster (Equite 2)
Requested by
Sato Tarentae
Primary reason

I have been impressed with Sato since I first met him, and recently, I can say that he continues to impress me as I have seen him work as Quaestor.

As a Consul, I do not expect Quaestors or Aediles in Tarentum to just "follow my lead." I expect them to be able to exhibit leadership, to work with me when I am correct, and to show me when I'm wrong when they disagree with something. At times, "who's wrong" may be subjective, but I like seeing input and honest effort and feedback from leadership. Sato keeps in contact with me in all discussions I bring, but also in discussions brought by others that require Summit interaction. He is concerned with the longevity and prosperity of the Clan, and the attention he gives to Gladius and Tarentum make it clear that he will one day be Consul of Tarentum.

Sato has been involved with the Clan since Day One. He was an enthusiastic Aedile under Frosty, and I knew that he'd be a capable Quaestor when Frosty decided to resign. Sato has the drive to make things happen, and he's always held the interests of the Clan members above his own. He makes himself available as much as possible, he is easy to interact with, and works to stay active. He is present on IRC as much as possible and interacts with the members there, but he also strives to keep tabs on the membership through email and other methods. He works to create or enhance projects that will benefit his House, and since taking the job as Quaestor, he has worked hard to try and revamp his teams for the benefit of new and old members alike.

I think Sato is more than worthy, and certainly ready for advancement beyond Warrior. It has been eight months since his promotion to Warrior, and in that time period, he has helped direct the activities of Gladius during the recent Great Jedi War (as Aedile), he has continued to be a leader and active member in the Clan, and above all, he has had an exemplary attitude. His qualities exhibit leadership, but he also provides an example to everyone as to what Brotherhood members should be.

Sato, I appreciate all that you do, and commend you for your continued service to Gladius and Tarentum.

-DJM Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae Consul, Clan Tarentum

Sato Tarentae, 2006-11-06 23:00:00 UTC