Event Details

Event ID
Oran Gootan
Old Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Oran Gootan
Primary reason

Since being promoted to Protector, Oran Gootan has passed all of the requirements asked of him for his promotion to Guardian. He earned a bundle of CFs for participation in various gaming events across different platforms. He was also awarded an Amethyst Crescent for his placing in a competition, and a Seal of Duplicity for his participation in the 6th GJW. After coming to me and Malisane for a final task, he was asked to make a graphical contribution, a task he did admirably - modelling the castle of House Ludo Kressh in a game editor and submitting to us several screenshots. After earning his awards and giving us a picture of 'Castle HLK' - something long overdue ;) - we feel PRT Oran Gootan has earned the rank of Guardian.

Oran Gootan, 2006-12-24 23:00:00 UTC