Event Details

Event ID
Sildrin Lyonsbane
Old Rank
Krath Archpriestess (Equite 2)
New Rank
Krath Epis (Equite 3)
Requested by
Sildrin Lyonsbane
Primary reason

I am pleased to announce tonight the promotion of our Seneschal, Xia Long, to the rank of Krath Epis. Sildrin, as she is known in these here parts, has been working closely with me on the Dark Brotherhood website. She has been instrumental since she took over from Rax in getting a variety of updates done so that you all can continue to enjoy the best the web has to offer. Well, so you can start to enjoy it, as we make it the best.

Sildrin had a very hard task ahead of her in taking over as SCL. I do not exaggerate when I say that it took me over two years to learn all of the ins and outs of the website. There is a lot to learn and understand in order to effectively do her job. Sildrin has stepped up to the challenge and exceeded my expectations.

I am encouraged by Sildrin's innovation; she has come up with new ways to display things on the site that add a lot to our pages. She knows areas of coding that I don't -- we really do compliment each other's styles well. She has recently helped me come up with a new design for the roster databases that has already started to pay dividends in my coding: we will soon have some much-needed updates. Most important to me: she is thorough and clean with her code. The new Competitions page she made does not only look great on the outside, but the code is also well organized and readable. That will be a great thing in the future.

Sildrin, thank you for all that you do. Grand Master Jac Cotelin

Hello, I'd like to take the opportunity to recommend Sildrin Sadow/Xia Long to you. When I stepped down as QUA of HLK, I figured the house was in good hands. Sildrin has proven me absolutely correct. In her time as the Leader of this House she has done an outstanding job. Regular and detailed reports (better than mine), competitions, kicking tail in the GJW, IRC presence... she is always there if you need something, or want to chat. Her activity tracking tool is a great thing. I think she has a genuine concern for those around her. Her work with net aspects of the DB is impressive. Our current CNS site is great, and very helpful. She will be a fine SCL I am sure.

SBL Mononoke "Macron" Keibatsu-Goura House Ludo Kressh Assistant Envoy DSC Tribune

How on earth (or in SW, the universe) can you describe Xia-Long Sadow? For me, she will always be Sildrin Rys-Hastur, but the person who goes by both names is the same amazing woman, a true pillar of the Dark Brotherhood society.

Sildrin was here long before I was, and she has been active, if not completely, but active nonetheless, the whole 2.5 years I've been here. Just that is amazing. In that time, I got to know her better, and I found a fellow artist, a very good one, a leader, an internet coder, and a friend. She excels at everything she does. The first noticeable thing I found was when she became active enough; I can only speculate this that that was the last bit she needed for a promotion. As an Archpriest of the Krath order, she began ascension. In an order I don't really remember, she became a Daughter of Sadow, Quaestor of Ludo Kressh, in which she continually strengthened that house, created the CNS website, Firefox plugins to allow you to search the DB site in the menu bar, won graphics comp after graphics comp with her art, and most recently, was promoted to SCL of the Brotherhood. For all her efforts, she definitely deserves this promotion, which is likely overdue. Congratulations Sildrin!

-Dark Jedi Knight Raven

Sildrin is one of the biggest reasons I'm where I am today in the DB. When I rejoined after a long absence, I didn't know what to do or who was who. After being assigned as student to Sildrin, that changed - and quickly. She was, and is, helpful, insightful and always able to give you a hand. She was a great master, AED, QUA, and will be a great SCL.

Her work for the GJW was also a major factor in our taking 2nd: her graphics events entries were outstanding pieces of work, and it made me proud to have such a great artist as my house's leader.

Of course, she's also an excellent coder, creating the HLK Activity Tracker, CNS website, and the firefox plugins for the DB. I have no doubt that she'll only continue to produce improvements for the DB in general as Seneschal.

Sildrin's work in CNS and in the DB in general is inspirational, and I can truly say I'm proud to be able to say I was her student. Her promotion to Krath Epis is richly deserved. Congrats!

Sith Warrior Xayun Erinos Aedile of House Ludo Kressh

Krath Archpriest Xia Long, or Sildrin Sadow, has been one of Clan Naga Sadows most respected recent leaders as Quaestor of Ludo Kressh.

Since her last promotion she has guided House Ludo Kressh with professionalism and great enthusiasm that has lead to continuous activity associated with one the Brothehood's greatest Houses. She has created fun competitions, set an example by great activity in Clan Feud and Sixth GJW winning several Novas, has kept herself at the centre of Clan affairs by providing an intelligent and mature opinion on most subjects relating to both its future and its day to day running.

She has also showed great imagination, firstly by working on and improving the Clan's website using her tremendous coding skills, and created an activity checking system which allows the Summit to update and monitor each members' activity, allowing them both to have a constant reference point for members and allow them to write detailed recommendations for reward and promotion. This system is highly regarded DB wide and looks set to be a standard for all Clans to use in the future.

Sildrin's coding skills have more recently spread also to a DB wide level, where her abilities, her professional standard of work, and her commitment to high standards have impressed the Dark Council and have recently lead to her being chosen as the new Seneschal of the Dark Brotherhood, something which is both a great pride and sadness to her Clan members as we have lost a much valued Quaestor.

However, there is no doubt whatsoever that Sildrin has earned the rank of Epis, congratulations on your promotion Sil!

Malisane de Ath Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh

Sildrin (Xia) has been a valuable member of the clan for some time now. From the Activity tracking tool, to the website, her signature has been spread over the Clan. With all of this, she has maintained activity outside of the Clan, to support the entire Brotherhood. Her leadership has been essential in this difficult period in Naga Sadow, and we appreciate her efforts. Thank you for all your help, Sildrin.

~Kat Pridemore, PCON of Naga Sadow

Sildrin joined the DB a long time ago. She joined the DB during my first term as Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh, probably 6 or 7 years ago. In all of that time, she has been faithful to the clan, and overall a pleasant person to be around. I decided that Sildrin should be promoted to Krath Epis a couple of months ago based on her work as Quaestor alone. However, now that she has been appointed Seneschal, the rationale for promoting her is even stronger. It is good to see members of Clan Naga Sadow branch out to help members of the DB in general, and Sildrin is the latest and most visible of these members. It is genuinely my hope that as Seneschal she continues to succeed and make her home clan proud.

Dark Adept Manesh Sadow Consul of Clan Naga Sadow

Sildrin Lyonsbane, 2007-01-11 23:00:00 UTC