I suppose I could start simply by stating that Sephiroth passed his Knight trials, the final test by which Tarentum judges all prospective Knights. But, Sephiroths path to Knighthood has been anything but unique. His first master ultimately changed clans, and this brought Sephiroth under my tutelage to see him through his trials. This was about a year ago and it had already been decided that he was ready for his trials. But, real life intervened and Sephiroths trials were seriously delayed. But, in a true testament to his dedication, Sephiroth remained in touch while he was overseas, and upon returning, he jumped right back in to the Brotherhood.
So, what did Sephiroth actually do to warrant a promotion to DJK, over a year ago? During Bloodfyres reign as Sith High Warrior, Sephiroth assisted him with the Sith History project. He founded and led the Battleteam Rei, which is no small task in these days where battle teams dont always get the credit they deserve. Sephiroth has also volunteered to assist Oberst in Clan Tarentum history projects. He also served successfully as house Envoy, earning a medal from the KCB specifically for his great work. Back then, and now, Sephiroth has also become one of the biggest identifiers of the little things. With ever sharp eyesight and attention, Sephiroth has identified and alerted the proper people to numerous small problems on the DB site (usually out of date information in small corners).
Sephiroths actions upon his return to active service are also of note. He has participated in several competitions on various levels. I leave that part of the recommendation to his current leaders, but suffice to say, his activity since his return only confirms for me that he should have been promoted long ago, and that he is dedicated to this organization.
As a final note, I should say that I have enjoyed helping Sephiroth advance to this rank. Though I did not become his master until after he had reached Jedi Hunter, I will always consider Sephiroth a student of mine, and I see a great future for him.
With my full endorsement, I request that Sephiroth be elevated to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight with all due haste.
~DJM Anshar Kahn Tarentae, Headmaster of the Shadow Academy, and Master to Sephiroth.
I have known Sephiroth for nigh on all of the two years he has served in the Brotherhood, be it as a figure I noted in reports over in Tridens back in my time in Gladius, or more prominently during my time in the Clan Summit. It is during my time in the Summit that I got to know Sephiroth properly, his drive and his desire to help his Clan and Club, so great was his impact on the Clan that he was put forward to begin his Knighthood trials as all aspirant Knights must undergo in Clan Tarentum. The time however was not for him as he was called away for a far greater calling then the Brotherhood, however after many months of serving his country in the armed forces he is back and has all ready earned Archean and my self's trust and faith that we have appointed him both Rollmaster and Envoy of Tridens. Since his return he has undergone a prodigal rate of gaming and medal winning and even participated in my latest house competition (fiction event), to top it all he has also completed his House Trial to our satisfaction.
Congratulations on your promotion Knight : )
I have known Sephiroth since i joined the brotherhood, almost 2 years ago. He was leader of Battle Team Rei in Tridens. Few weeks later he was called for service and his db career was put on hold til he came back. Sephiroth returned for a short period of time, participating in a few short comps that were around at the time, but his service to his country called him back once more. December 2006 rolled around and the Hunter returned to the DB. Between that time and now, Sephiroth is an outstanding member of Tridens, always willing to take up a task without hesitation, never afraid to ask a question or help somebody out. Sephiroth has earned a barrage of Clusters of Fire in the gaming nights, for participating in the SA trivia he has gotten LSS's. He has submitted the House trivia that is currently running. He has passed his house trial with flying colours, he has filled all the requirements for elevation
SW Archean Bruth'Kothae
Sephiroth Shamshan Kali, 2007-01-11 23:00:00 UTC